Turning Your Homestead Into a Profitable Business

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September 20, 2022

Turning Your Homestead Into a Profitable Business

Homesteading can provide a wonderful lifestyle for those who choose it. It can also be a

great way to earn extra income. Whether you are a beekeeper or a vegetable-growing

gardener, this guide (shared below by Premium Dakota Beef) will show you how to turn

your homestead into a profitable business.

Make the Most of Your Homestead

Here in Goodwin, SD, you have the perfect opportunity to convert your homestead into a

thriving business. You can turn it into a tourist destination, a source of fresh produce for

local restaurants, or a community provider of goods and services. You could start a bed and

breakfast, open a roadside stand selling homemade jams and jellies, or offer horseback

riding lessons to visitors. 

One of the first decisions you'll need to make is what type of entity to form. You're on the

right track if you're thinking about forming a limited liability company (LLC). This business

structure offers many advantages, including personal asset protection and relatively simple

operation. Filing yourself or using a formation service can save you money on lawyer fees.

Check the laws in your state before forming an LLC, as each state has different regulations.  

Create a Unique Brand

A lot of homesteading businesses are vying for attention. So, how can you make yours stand

out from the rest? One way is to create a unique brand. You can do this by developing a

mission statement that reflects your values and by setting yourself apart from the

competition. For example, if you focus on sustainable and organic farming practices, ensure

to communicate this in your branding. Use high-quality images and graphics that convey

your brands message and be consistent in your online and offline presence.

Develop a Marketing Strategy

Marketing your homesteading business doesn't have to be complicated or expensive.

Facebook is a great place to spread the word about your products. You can design custom

ads using an online Facebook ad template, which lets you use unique logos and fonts — not

just something generic, such as Times New Roman or Helvetica.

Another great marketing strategy is participating in local events and fairs in and around

Goodwin. This is an excellent opportunity to meet potential customers and get them

interested in your products.

Manage Your Time and Resources

When running a homesteading business, it's essential to be efficient with your time and

resources. That means having a clear plan for what needs to be done each day and making

sure, you use your time and materials wisely.

If you need to water the plants, collect eggs, and feed the chickens, do all those tasks in one

trip outside. That way, you're not making multiple trips and wasting time and energy.

Use recycled materials whenever possible. If you have chicken wire no longer being used,

repurpose it as a trellis for your plants. Not only will you save money, but you'll also be

doing your part to reduce waste.

A Thriving Business

You can turn your homestead into a thriving business with a little hard work. Just be sure

to form the right entity type, create a unique brand, develop a marketing strategy, and most

importantly, manage your time and resources wisely. Discover the very best in Wagyu beef

at Premium Dakota Beef.

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Buying  A Sides Of Beef Working for Calvin, a farmer, and working at a custom butcher shop, a common question is often asked: "What side of beef am I getting?" For me, this question gets asked because they have purchased 1/4 or smaller. The customer often wants to ensure they get the back half of the beef. They want some excellent homegrown steaks. Although, if you are a griller, you may want the front half. Why is this question still asked? Sometimes, the farmer or butcher will offer the front or the back half when ordering a 1/2 of beef. This makes the question valid. "What side of beef am I getting?" To cut to the chase, when ordering from Calvin, you get beef from the front or forequarter and the back half or hindquarter. Let's get into it. A beef carcass has two matched sides containing the forequarter and the hindquarter. A side of beef is half a carcass, split down the back. Sometimes, beef is sold as a forequarter or hindquarter cut. This means that a side of beef has been cut into two sections, separated between the 12th and 13th ribs. If you are looking for this type of cut, call Calvin. This would be a special order with our butcher. The forequarter contains the following primal sections: chuck, rib, brisket, foreshank, and plate. The hindquarters contain the following primal sections: loin, sirloin, round, flank, and the hind shank. From these primal sections, our desired cuts are made. From the primal cuts, they are further processed into more manageable parts called subprimal. Subprimals are smaller and more cost-effective to handle. Subprimal cuts can also be sold as block or tray-ready. Open the bag, cut it to your liking, and tray it. When ordering from Calvin, you get precisely what you want. You get beef cuts from the forequarter and the hindquarter. Never missing out. Buying directly from a farmer ensures the beef you're consuming was raised in a way that aligns with your values, the marbling you desire, and keeping a small family farm alive. Don't forget the family-owned butcher shop.  The total cost of a side of beef can vary greatly depending on where you live, the farmer's practices, and the butchering options you choose. With bulk beef, you pay one price for every pound, whether it's made into ground beef or ribeye's, so while your price may be comparable on ground beef, it's outstanding on steaks and other whole cuts. It's convenient! Having a freezer full of beef that is easily accessible for all your meals. You won't need to compare prices or seek out weekly sales at the grocery store. One order and you are done! My suggestion. Think about order a whole, half or quarter of beef. You will love the variety of cuts you get from both sides. 

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